Four seasons

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Perks of student life

Being far away from home for the first is a blessing in disguise. For most of us we are in charge of our own finances for the first time, we have to do grocery shopping and prepare our own meals, toughest times and moms or big sisters are not around to save us. At first living on takeaways seemed to be the solution for me, I mean all the eat out places are surrounding my residence, I don’t have to wash dishes, no need for preparation, taste better than my prepared meals and I get to meet new people every time I go eat out or I go buy food. This was the life for me before I run out of money in the middle of the month with no food in the fridge and on top of that I gained so much weight within a short period of time, biggest nightmare my favorite clothes didn’t fit me no more.

We live and we learn and I did realize that living on takeaways is not the right way of living. Now I believe that I have grown and I’m better than that girl who lived on takeaways in first year. No don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I don’t eat out anymore. I live in such a great student community where we are surrounded by so many affordable, nice restaurants that have all these students’ discounts and specials. I still eat out but I also cook a lot and I work around my budget always. A takeaway will always be a life saver for those hectic times in student calendar #Studentlife #StudentExperience #GrowingUp #Varsitylife #BestMoments.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

My Bucket list

Living in South Africa, a country that has nine provinces allowing us to explore and travel. At least one road trip in a lifetime is essential before you can truly feel that you understand the pulse of your country better.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Motivational video

More on motivation for students 
Never say never, someone once said we achieve what our mind believe in, if we believe we will make it, it will happen, and if we believe we won't make it, it will happen. We are right in both ways. Everything that you think on the inside shows on your actions and therefore if you want to go far in life, you must believe in yourself and surround yourself with people that have positive minds. #NeverGiveUp #BelieveInYourDreams  #DreamsDoComeTrue.  

Saturday, 11 June 2016

I'm in it for the love of it.

I believe that when you have found something that you’re passionate about and you can turn that into a career, you have won in life. Why? Because you will never ever have to work a day in your life if you know what I mean. In my world, passion is priceless and therefore money won’t matter as long as you love what you do.


Perks of being a teacher.

Effective Classroom Management

In my studying of becoming a teacher I realized that there are so many benefits, there’s a very big room for growth. Few months ago I went for my teaching practice and it was AMAZING.  It had its ups and downs that in the end made me discover strengths that I didn’t even know I had. My biggest down was classroom management and this is one of the very important things that you must master as a teacher.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

A teacher’s favourite place

A teacher’s favourite place

Before it goes to the classroom, it all begins in the library. Ladies and gentlemen I’m talking about lesson preparations. Teachers spend a lot of time in the library trying to get extra information for their lessons, new ideas of teaching and presenting lessons to the learners, trying to find ways to make the lessons more interesting and informative to the learners, also to keep up with the current things happening around them and the library helps the educators with relevant curriculum information. Libraries play such a huge role in a teacher’s lives, making things a little better. Therefore if you can’t find me in class, you know where to look.

“The only thing you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library” Albert  Einstein Good deeds qoute